Did you know more and more of us are using Instagram to look for businesses?⁠

If you want your business to be found by new customers, you need to do a few things to make sure you’re ready to show up when you should!⁠

We are going to give you 3 quick ways to improve your search visibility just by putting keywords in the places that Instagram looks. (There are more, but these are quick wins!)⁠

If your IG username doesn’t have what you do in it, then make sure it’s in the Name field. Our username doesn’t say what we do, but it’s in the name field. So this will be picked up by anyone searching ‘marketing agency’. Do the same in your bio and use keywords that describe what you sell or do, so they can be picked up by Instagram in the same way Google picks up keywords on your website.⁠

Use your hashtags like keywords. In the explore pages, people can search for accounts or hashtags, so use these so that you show up when someone types ‘local deli’, or ‘bike repair’ for example. According to Instagram, if you use the hashtags regularly, they will become associated with your account and served up to people who are interested in that sort of thing.⁠

Use keywords in your captions. These are also crawled by Instagram so write intelligent captions that describe the things that you’d like to show up on the Explore page for.⁠

Everyone’s Explore page is different, they’re tailored to individual likes and preferences so using these keywords will mean that you’ll have a better chance of appearing on the Explore page of potential new customers!⁠

There are more ways you can optimise your Instagram account for search but these are super quick and can easily be done now, and on your next posts.⁠